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Kindergarten Curriculum

The Kindergarten Programme comprises of 2 years. During the Kindergarten years, emphasis is laid on developing the gross and fine motor skills, problem solving abilities and laying the foundation for literacy and numeracy. The child learns ideas and concepts that revolve around environmental science and also develops skills of arts, craft and music. The child enters into KG II after completion of KG I and continues on a more intensive journey of exploring and learning the 3 R’s – Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. All of the above are facilitated with the help of various innovative hands-on activities and first hand experiences.

This curriculum has been specially developed by a team of experts to provide a strong foundation for learning in the Kindergarten.

The following curricular areas are integrated to provide a wholesome learning experience:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Environmental Science
  • Music, Arts and Craft